Showroom for Esser Automotive

Event location

Showroom in its own halls

Event type



Premium Autmotive Concept Esser e.K.



Project goal

The target was to realize a showroom that stands out from standardized car showrooms and represents an adequate concept to the hypercar manufacturer. The designed showroom was deliberately placed in direct proximity to the various premium cars to offer buyers an exclusive lounge & meeting area. 

Effect of the showroom on the visitor

By placing the showroom in the company's own exhibition hall for premium cars, an additional highlight was created. Potential buyers can feel at home in the lounge area, right next to the hypercars on display, and hold in-depth discussions with the sales staff. 

A flush-mounted LED screen recessed into one of the showroom's rear walls provides further information about the premium cars. The LED-backlit graphics on the other rear wall reflect the pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.


Torsten Lorenzen

Projectmanagement & Design

+49 (0) 2472 9910 - 24

Challenges & specifics

The requirement for the showroom was an open design that invites visitors to linger and allows a view of the premium cars in its own hall. For this purpose, several larger pieces of furniture were placed in the given area of the showroom without making the showroom look overcrowded. The lounge area was separated from the actual exhibition area by the raised floor.

The lighting is provided by indirect LED spots in the suspended ceiling. This ceiling suspension of the lounge area supports the feel-good effect of the showroom. In addition, the color selection and raised walls further enhanced the showroom. 


Personal thoughts about the project

For a car lover, the heart beat faster already during the inquiry. During the planning of the showroom, many different concepts were discussed, which led to a unified concept through live adjustments in the joint meetings. The cooperation has always been pleasant and uncomplicated, answers were given promptly and important data were communicated directly. We are very happy about the jointly developed final result!

The company Premium Automotive Concept Esser was founded in the summer of 2009. Company founder and managing director is Markus Esser. Since April 2013 Premium Automotive Concept Esser is the official authorized dealer for Königsegg in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Furthermore, since March 2017 Premium Automotive Concept Esser also represents the manufacturer of the world's first electric hypercar: RIMAC AUTOMOBILI.